Learn How to Cope with Summer Diseases

15 04 2013

Health_Tips_SummerSummers are at their peak and It is to harmful if we don’t take precaution specially for child and old persons. The scorching sun and heat flows have tortured lives. Drench with sweat in her summer brings many diseases. Take precautions to avoid hitting stroke, diarrhea, chronic diseases such as smallpox and malaria may be facing.

Some Useful overcome these illnesses – about diet and lifestyle will have to take care of certain things, such as:

Useful Tips to avoid heat stroke

1. Because of the lack of the water body can lead to many major diseases. Drink more water it regularly. If you go out there, keep a bottle of water with you. The water used should keep the purity of the water. You have to give the body energy consumption of glucose can help you.

2. The fruits of the season, you should use water melon, lemon, coconut water can be consumed. This will not be short of water in your body as well as you will appear fresh. Do not have sugar cane juice or sliced fruit from the road sided shops,

it may be harmful for your stomach.

3. Use limited spices in your food. Spices can give you many disease mainly stomach related. So use it in very low volume in your food and many health experts also not recommend spices in summer.

4. Try to avoid go outside from your home and if it is important than use any cloth or umbrella to cover-up you head. Also keep in mind that your body is completely covered with fabric.

5. For some reason, consult a doctor immediately if you feel sick. Do not take any medicine without doctor’s advice.

6. During the summer months mostly the children is sick because whatever they eat, they don’t care about the hygiene and freshness. So parents should keep an eye on them more and more.

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